Super-Mini Bio (25 words)
JD Stillwater is a science ambassador, presenter, and writer, on a mission to promote science as a source of profound inspiration and paradigm shift.
Mini Bio (50 words)
A graduate of Cornell University, JD Stillwater is a science ambassador and author who writes and speaks about profound insights from natural reality, insights that drive paradigm shifts and cultural awakening. This work springs from JD’s love of science and his gift for making difficult concepts graspable for non-scientists.
Bio (100 words)
A graduate of Cornell University, JD Stillwater is a science ambassador and author who writes and speaks about profound insights from natural reality, insights that drive paradigm shifts and cultural awakening. This work springs from JD’s love of science and his gift for making difficult concepts graspable for non-scientists. JD is an officer of the Religious Naturalist Association, a global community of people who take nature to heart, serves on the governing Council of the Institute on Religion in an Age of Science, and is a Fellow of Sinai and Synapses. JD is married (since 1987) with two grown children.
Full Bio
A graduate of Cornell University, JD Stillwater is a science ambassador and author who writes and speaks about profound insights from natural reality, insights that he believes can drive paradigm shifts and cultural awakening. This work springs from JD’s love of science and his gift for making difficult concepts graspable for non-scientists.
After a 24-year career teaching science in secondary classrooms, JD now shares the awe, wonder, and spiritual depth he experiences from the findings of the global scientific endeavor.
JD is an officer of the Religious Naturalist Association, a global community of people who take nature to heart, serves on the governing Council of the Institute on Religion in an Age of Science, is a Trustee of the Renner Foundation, and a Fellow of Sinai and Synapses.
JD is married to his graciously-supportive and patient spouse Ann since 1987—many great and growing years together. They have two children, both now grown and pursuing their own passions (programming/music, and ministry). JD is an accomplished musician– drums and percussion–performing here and there, but mostly at his UU church.
In 1986, JD and several hundred close friends walked from Los Angeles to Washington DC to call for an end to the nuclear arms race. The Great Peace March for Global Nuclear Disarmament was pivotal in JD’s life, in more ways than could be counted. On the way, people sometimes shouted, “You can’t do that in Russia!” so the following year we did it in Russia. In the summer of 1987, JD was one of 200 Americans who joined 200 Soviets to walk from Leningrad to Moscow on the American-Soviet Walk, which ended with JD’s band performing for 50,000 people in the first-ever outdoor rock concert inside the Soviet Union, sharing the stage with Santana, James Taylor, Bonnie Raitt, the Doobie Brothers, and a similar number of Soviet bands.
JD’s other interests include hiking, dancing with Ann, poetry, drum circles, travel, a good belly laugh so hard you can’t breathe, managing money, building and fixing things, technology, making kettle corn, connecting people, couch-surfing, and reading science magazines.
Other interesting things JD has done: