PowerPoise Consulting

Nervous about a presentation coming up?

Whether you’re a student or deep into a career, speaking in front of people can be overwhelming. As if that’s not enough, PowerPoint can be daunting, too. Let JD smooth your road. 

JD Stillwater has five decades of public-speaking experience, and he wants to help you. 

JD can…

Make your slides pop. 

Boost your confidence. 

Help you connect with your audience. 

Add eye-catching animations (not cheesy ones).

Help craft what you say so it’s more natural, humorous, easy-to-follow. 

Add multi-media (but only if it’s helpful).

Help you choose the best aspect ratio for your project. 

All of the above, or just the help you need. He can also teach YOU how to do it on your own. 

How It Works

First, we talk by phone or video about your project and how I might help. This is free. We’ll figure out exactly what help you need, and, just as important, what you don’t need.


After that, I charge $45 per hour with a minimum of three hours. We can do a lot in three hours. Scheduling is flexible; we’ll make it work for you. Work channels are flexible, too: you can send me files or we can work jointly online. 

JD’s Approach

  • Nothing cheesy or cliché
  • Rarely or never read the slide (people can read!)
  • No endless bullet points (like these here! 😜)
  • Slides tailored for screens or projectors
  • Comfortable, naturally-speaking presenter
  • Engaging stories
  • Audience interaction
  • Passion that shows
  • No copyright violations

Note: JD is a teacher and public presenter. He is good at communication and persuasion through speech and images, and he knows how to get PowerPoint to do your bidding. JD is NOT a graphic designer; he will never push an aesthetic preference on you. We’ll go with your aesthetic sensibilities.